Mar 29, 2011

K. ET. Perry

I come in peace!

Ruu Ruu asked me to do my version of Katy Perry's E.T. look.
At first I wasn't excited about the look, it's not very "alien" to me, but I did some modifications with mine, and I turned out to be quite happy with it.

I know that I put more effort to photoshopping than the in the makeup, but I did the makeup in about 20 minutes yesterday night, being tired as.. tired can be :D
So sure, I could have done the makeup better and not photoshop that much, but this time this way, maybe next time goes better :D

Also, I didn't want to do 100% copy of the look, I wanted to add something "Jangsara" to it. ;D

So here's the inspiration pics:

And here's some more normal pics of the look:

"Alien, where?! O-M-G!"
Here's comparison of how much the photoshopped eyes change the look:

And one more overdone pic:


  1. Whoa! Iha supermagee. Diggaan sun noista kuvioista enempi ku Katyn.

  2. Siisti versio! Silmämeikin sävyt ovat aika mahtavat. :)

    Voisiko joku kertoa, että miksi oi miksi Kati Päärynä yrittää niin kovasti matkia Lady Gagaa? Gaga teki jo alienit, ei sitä jokainen tusinapoppari voi olla performanssitaiteilija...

  3. So so so pretty!!! I prefer your take on it so much better. :)

  4. soooooooooooo AWESOME!!!
    Grrr...<3 love it!

  5. even without the photoshop it is impressive, wonderful job!!

  6. OMG you did an AMAZING job! you are sooo talented its inexplicable! I hope to one day be as good as you although thats virtually impossible! <3

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. looove your version! much more than the original!

  9. you are so hope to one day do makeup as good as you

  10. So beautiful!!! Yours looks better methinks

  11. The eyeshadow and lips is insane! No offense to Katy Perry, but I think you're prettier and I prefer the way you did your makeup. It actually kind of suits you x3

  12. the normal shots of the make up are stunning! i have to agree that your version is much better than the original.

  13. I'm tellin' ya! SUCH an amazing look but I still think it could totally pass for some sort of Warcrack Draenei cosplay xD !!

  14. Yours looks so awesome! I like it much better than the original. =)

  15. In these photos your look is unbelievable and outstanding. I am so shocking with this post.

  16. you are truly amazing. This look is beyond anything I have seen for a while. you are talented and I just hope I can learn a little from you.

  17. Scaryyy... I just like the pic with your eyes closed because the eyemakeup looks nice but otherwise this gives me the creeps :D It's not necessarily a bad thing... Just saying :D

  18. Hieno! Pyöreät silmät ovat tässä jotenkin mageemmat kuin alkuperäisen kapeat.


  20. i love it, this is seriously awesome.

  21. Im your fan!
    from where you are taking your idea`s and power to do this all?? :O
    Just amazing!!!

  22. Gorgeous. I really love the other makeup look from the E.T. music video as well. It's darker and probably easier to modify to wear it out. This is beautiful, but probably only to us makeup geeks and maybe comicon participants haha. The makeup in that video a-mazing. So glad you did your take on it. Flawless as always.

  23. awesome!! i am ur 2700th follower!! :) :)

  24. Fantastic! I actually like your version better! :)

  25. I quite like both versions, but I like the fact that you changed it up a bit to suit you rather than just copying it detail for detail. Any chance of a tutorial sometime? :D

  26. In these photos you look incredible and outstanding. I was shocked with this post. You look better methinks.

  27. At first I wasn't excited about the look, it's not very "alien" to me, but I did some modifications with mine, and I turned out to be quite happy with it.


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