Jan 15, 2010

Heavy on my heart

Hello again!

Now I have LOTS of pics!

I'll start with a request look based on a fabric:




MAC Painterly p/p
MAC Navy Blue pigment
MAC Gold Mode pigment
MAC Vanilla pigment
MAC Reflects Bronze
MAC Blitz&Glitz fluidline

Then I was searching inspiration photos, and I found this AMAZING  makeup Lady Gaga wore in German interview:

I totally fell in love with it.

Problem is, that I couln't recreate it! I tried and tried, but no. It just didn't work out.

So I made my own version of it, with extreme lips:

And another version:

And one more:

Then I gave up and made something totally different for my yesterday's LOTD:

Then I found something interesting yesterday, when I was at a finnish store Seppälä. Usually they sell supercheap brands like BeautyUK (of course they sell also MSCHIC by Seppälä, but that's complate different thing), so when I saw this Models Own -stand, I didn't expect much.

When i got closer, I saw these amazingly bright neon colors. Pencils, eyedusts, nail polishes:

I did some swatching with the eyedusts, and I was really suprised.
They were actually really bright and pigmented!

So with a heavy heart I left the polishes and pencils and rest of the eyedust there waiting, and bought just three eyedusts:

Metallic Lavender:

Neon Peach:

Neon Pink:

And here's swatches of them over foundation and NYX jumbo pencil Black Bean:
Neon pink is swatched twice on the left.

And some really quick look made with them:

Bright, isn't it? And in Finland's scale, CHEAP.


  1. upeita meikkejä ja kuvia taas!
    paljonko nää models ownit maksoi? :)

  2. Veera, noi luomivärit oli 4,95e muistaakseni kappale. :)

  3. Jangsara you are amazingly talented!

  4. what colors did you used for th gaga look matte?

  5. Faiza, thanks <3!

    Anon, I used my 28 neutral palette from StarsmakeupHaven for all the Gaga looks. :)

  6. Ooooo!! The first look is gorgeous! And I think you got SUPER close on the last try of Lady Gaga's look! It looks awesome.

    That is super bright! I love them!

  7. Amazing!! just a little question

    I am from Italy and I want to know if smh is an US company for custom fees;

    thank for all of your look they are amazing!!!


  8. Hyvältä näyttää, Seppälä on ihmeesti petrannu kosmetiikan saralla! Onko kokoelma kovinkin suuri siis montako esim. lakkoja tai noita luomivärejä on erivärisiä?

  9. Sanna, ainakin meidän Seppälässä oli vissiinkin koko Neon -mallisto, ja ehkä joku muutama yksittäinen tuote kanssa. Kannattaa katsastaa niiden nettisivut: https://www.modelsownit.com/

  10. These are gorgeous looks but the GaGa recreation is GENIUS!

  11. Sulla on ihan mielettömän upeita meikkejä ja kuvat ovat todella hyviä!

    Mistä muuten olet meikkipakkisi hommanut. Olen etsinyt itselleni tismalleen samanlaista ja rapakon takaahan niitä löytyisikin, mutta mietin vaan että onko vaihtoehtoja ja mistä kannattaisi ostaa että saa mitä tilasikin. :)

  12. Anon, kiitos!

    Meikkipakki on Ebaystä, sellaiselta myyjältä kuin "sunrisebeautyuk". Oli halpa (verrattuna siis suomen hintoihin) ja hyvä, nopea ja luotettava :D

  13. Kiitos paljon! Huomasin että kommentti tulikin kuukauden vanhaan juttuun, mutta kiva että huomasit. :)

  14. neon peach color looks so pretty !


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