

Who is Jangsara?

Basic info

 - 26 at the moment,  I'm born 26th of May,1985.

Where from?
- From Finland, city called Järvenpää to be exact.

Where did you study makeup/ photography/ photoediting?
- I didn't. I'm 100 % self taught.

How did you get so good at doing makeup? 
- Tough question, as I'm still not sure if I myself consider myself "good". I always try to do better, and maybe that's the reason I am the way I am right now. And of course it has taken me lots of practice.

Camera / Equipment info

What camera do you use?  
- I use Canon EOS 50D, with basic objective (18-200mm), x4 macro lens and ring flash adapter. And Canon Speedlite 430EX II external flash.

What kind of lights do you use to take your photos? 
Light of my computer screen mainly :D Natural light is best, but when it's not available, I use basic ceiling lights. That's why I use the ring flash.

What program do you use to edit your pictures?
- Believe it or not, I'm using ancient version of Paint Shop Pro, version 7 to be exact. I've been using it for years now, I know it completely, and I'm too lazy to learn a new program ;D

Makeup related questions

What brushes do you use?
 - Mainly Sigma's brushes, but I have few others too, such as foundation brush from Sonia Kashuk, detail brush from Make Up Store, and several eye brushes from MSCHIC that I use.

Where do you get your inspiration?
- Everywhere :D Games, music, books, nature, google image search, fellow bloggers/MUA's, from my head.. Inspiration is everywhere, you just need to see it :P

How do you attach rhinestones/ sequins/ feathers etc. to your face?
 - Two words: DUO adhesive. Best lash glue I know.


How to contact you?
- I'm pretty active on my Facebook page, but if you want to send me mail, my mail address is jangsara(a)

Where do you buy your _______? 
-  I'm frequently asked where do I buy my _insert product/item here_.   Since I do quite a lot of reviews for companies, I don't have to buy a lot of makeup, but if you're interested in the online shops I use, check out my "where does she buy all that stuff" -page.


  1. aaah, a fellow Gemini! You're actually just one day older than me (and a couple of years younger but whatever :)))
    You MUST check out Photoshop, it's a whole new world, you'd love it!!!

  2. eeek you're birthday's on the same day as me!! Whoop!
    Your make up is beautiful btw, keep up the awesome work!

  3. why dont you have a youtube channel i would love to see you do the makeup looks they are all so amazing

  4. you should go on youtube i love your stuff but im a visual learner

  5. Wow--you are truly the best makeup artist I've ever seen. Are you on Youtube? If not, you need to be! You could be 10000x more famous than any of those gurus! You rock! :)

  6. You should do a series based on species of ducks. Sound weird, but check out wood ducks, goldeneye, buffleheads, green winged teal, merganser....

  7. Do you blog for a living?

  8. Hi! I just tried doing eye makeup for the first time. I ended up doing int in 10 minutes, and was not very good at it. How much time does it take to become really good at eyeshadow makeup? I really want to learn. How much time does it take to learn, do you have an aha moment?

  9. I found your blog via Epbot, and I just have to say it amazing!

  10. I'm a huge fan of your work. I love your wigs, looks. You're awesome keep up the good work.

  11. what is you position in animal testing?

  12. Do you use SugarPill cosmetics regularly? How do you rate their coverage/pigmentation?

  13. Amazing work, would love to follow via eBlogger but for some reason it won't let me!


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