
Feb 5, 2013

Still Alive

I'm still here.

As you may have noticed, I haven't posted anything in several months, and I'm truly sorry that I disappeared without any explanation or anything.

I didn't feel like applying bright/ interesting makeup and as I didn't do anything cool/pretty, I didn't have anything to share or write about.

Most of my daily looks since November have been either neutrals or basic smokey eyes. Some days even just plain mascara, and nothing else. My inspiration and will to apply makeup was totally gone.
I used makeup because I had to, not because I wanted to.

On top of all this, my camera started to act weird. Pics were weirdly toned, out of focus, too bright/too dark (despite the settings). So if I happened to get an inspiration, I didn't get a decent photo of the look.

During January I had to get myself a new phone, and my new phone has a pretty good camera (not as good as D-SLR of course, but good for a phone camera), and I have started slowly doing and photographing my looks again:

So there's a light at the end of the tunnel at the moment, as for my big surprise I have also gotten good photos with my D-SLR again, so yay :)

If you're interested of what I've been doing lately (with makeup I mean), go check out my facebook fanpage or my instagram.
I did peeking Magaman look...

And bright Sugarpill look....

..and simple Illamasqua inspired Valentines look...

.. pop art look inspired by Makeup Geek's Weekly Challenge

... and glittery "anti-valentine's day" look.


  1. Welcome back! Your eye makeup is always one of my favorites. =)

  2. It's good to see you again!. I love your blog.

  3. Suuper!! You are so talented!! Welcome back!;)

  4. Yayy! :D

    I love the pink looks and the megaman is so great!! ♥

    Mua ärsyttää, ku mun omat silmät on niin syvällä kuopassa, ettei voi niin kivasti kikkailla luomiväreillä, tai no voi, mutta ei se näy. :P

    ~ Frillycakes ♥ ~

  5. The Illamasqua-inspired one is to die for!

  6. Welcome back! It´s good to see you again <3

  7. Jei, kiva kun postasit! Ajattelinkin just tänään et toivottavasti palailet pian. :)

  8. Great pics - I just wonder how this works... I would never be able to make this ;-)

  9. Great you are back I love your blog!

  10. Pretty! So glad to see a new post. Would you mind sharing what lashes you are wearing in the first photo after you said " I have started slowly doing and photographing my looks again:"?

  11. I was missing you a lot, great that you post something, nice looks and I'm glad you have a new phone,
    use it a lot :)

    see you around darling , ciao!

  12. Nice to see you back on the blogging scene. Been following your facebook too,a nd seen the picture that was all over illamasqua the last couple of days.

    Either way, thought i should tell you that youre my inspiration and muse in my studies (I'm a "Theatrical, Special Effects, Hair and Media Makeup student.") You are consistant throughout my sketchbook as inspiration, and I hope you dont mind [if you do, I'll take out the pictures. Totally up to you, but for the meantime you're in there].

    I'm glad youre feeling inspiration again. dont ever feel like you "Need" to do makeup. You did the right thing by taking a little break. Totally refreshes you and gives you the makeup lust again.

    But anyway, im glad youre back.
    Keep up the fantastic work.
    Forever your faithful follower.

    (also, i know youre much better than us, but if you even want to join my makeup challenge, im sure myself and the other girls would be honoured by your presence [and youd also rock it!])
    Love Bekki xxxxx

  13. Welcome back, I missed your cool posts! Sorry you lost the mojo... sometimes it needs to hibernate and recharge. I had liked your fan page but forgot to mark 'get notifications' and hadn't seen anything... d'oh.

  14. So glad you're back!! I've missed your posts. And great looks!

  15. I'm glad you're back, you are truly inspiring! I hope you have fun with next looks

  16. Yaaaay you're back! I know exactly how it feels to not be inspred, I've been having that feeling for weeks now. I've only been able to shake it off for about a week now.
    Just take it easy, it'll come back to you. I actually missed your looks, I was so happy to see updates on your Facebook page :D

  17. Welcome back! I always love your looks :)

  18. It´s so nice to read from you again!. <3

  19. Oh my, this is absolutely gorgeous. I like your eyes those are very pretty and make up is adorable.

  20. Hello, please don't lose your inspiration! you are truly talented :)

  21. So glad you're back. :) I'm not sure if it's because of the title, or because of my obsession with the game, but when I read the title of the post, the end credits song "Still Alive" from Portal popped into my head lol.

  22. Gosh I'm so glad you're back ! I wanted to send you a message but I didn't want to annoy you.

    So.. YAY ! This is so great :)


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